Beit Byout | 2009
In a black box, two characters and a piece of chalk. They are alone. They play. They draw moments of life, black on white. They make up spaces following their desires. But at one point, the desire of one suddenly becomes an oppression for the other. They crash to rise up higher. They play at being ‘humans’ with a banal violence like that of children torturing each other in a playground…
Concept & performance: Chrystèle Khodr and Antoine Bouguier
Special thanks: Philippe Schuler – Florian Butch – Hagop Der Ghougassian – Rami Nihawi – Carole Abboud – Mohammed Diab.
Beit Byout premiered in 2009 in Théâtre Monnot (Beirut) It was performed in The Creative Forum for Independent Theatre Groups (Alexandria) – AuQuai (Brussels) – Off Spring Festival (Beirut).